
Kapok junior mattress pad

A kapok junior mattress pad can be used both to provide good comfort, but also as a protective surface between the child and the mattress. A junior mattress pad is filled with untreated kapok with a fabric of 100% certified organic cotton.

The kapok fiber's unique abilities

We often develop allergies and asthma in our early years of life, and we therefore think it is important to create the best conditions for our children, so that they neither develop allergies nor asthma as children. Therefore, a kapok junior mattress pad will be an obvious choice for creating a safe and allergy-friendly sleeping environment. Kapok contains a bitter substance which makes the fiber resistant to bacteria and house dust mites. In addition, kapok is breathable but water-repellent, which means that a kapok mattress pad will never get damp. Bacteria and house dust mites need a moist environment to thrive and therefore cannot live in kapok.

Our kapok 100% untreated. This means that we have not used pesticides, chemicals or synthetic fibers during the cultivation, processing or production of our kapok junior mattress pad. In addition, the mattress pad is covered with 100% certified organic cotton. A kapok mattress pad is therefore an obvious choice when you want to create an allergy-friendly and ecological sleeping environment for your child.